
−41−第3部SGH実施報告Ⅱ イングリッシュプレゼンテーションKokusai Presentation Courses – All Grades (K1, K2, K3)The main emphasis of each course was to have students deliver a number of presentations set with dierent themes and parameters. Throughout the year, presentations were assigned individually, in pairs and in group settings. In addition we introduced an English presentation textbook to expand vocabulary and more tutorials to enhance presentation skills.Students were given project sheets to help them prepare effectively for each presentation. These task sheets explained in detail, the expectations and requirements and deadlines of their presentation. Include below is a summary of each task assigned.Grading and evaluation of the presentations was decided using the 5 different criteria: Preparation, Content, Explanation, Performance and PowerPoint. I scored each criteria on a scale of 1~5, with 5 being the highest score. This criterion is based on a presentation rubric which students are introduced to during their Australia experience. Kokusai 1st Grade (K1)As a group, the students started quite slowly and my initial feeling was they lacked knowledge about creating stimulating presentations. Over time though they proved me wrong as their presentation skills visually improved. Deadlines were rarely missed and there weren’t any issues with individual, pair or group work settings. Speaking, as with most rst grade students is a challenge so I introduced the PowerPoint ‘Rehearsal’ feature. After explaining and using this feature I noticed there was a dramatic improvement in their overall performances. Theme/Title# of lessons Preparation/PresentationAssignment StyleSetting01 - All About Me6/3Task SheetIndividualObjectiveAn individual, verbal presentation is to be performed in front of the class detailing the student’s personal life.DesignPrepare for the speech verbally and use PowerPoint to make slides which support your speech. Pay attention to the delivery of your presentation as your teacher will be monitoring your speech.Target Language/Key Focus1.Talking about yourself2.Level check3.Eye contact and gestures4.Presenting alone5.Flow of speech6.Presentation length

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