
−37−第3部SGH実施報告第1章 カリキュラム開発(教科の取組)Ⅰ クリティカルライティング1 実践の目的とねらい 「ロジカルシンキング」の思考学習を踏まえ、ネイティブスピーカーの指導のもと、「グローバル課題研究」の研究内容を英語で論述する。欧米の批判的・論理的思考による英語の論述力の向上、情報処理・情報収集・情報伝達能力の向上、積極性を高めることを目的とする。・「ロジカルシンキング」で養った論理的思考を基に、「クリティカルシンキング」の考え方を学び、論理的・批判的思考を踏まえて英語の論文の書き方を学ぶことで、自分の意見を海外に発信できるようになる。・「グローバル課題研究」の研究内容に関連した英文を読み、情報をまとめ、英語で書くスキルを習得することができる。2 実践報告 At Haruhigaoka High School, students have participated in a curriculum focused on Critical Writing Skills in order for them to successfully express the results of SGH research and learned concepts within the program.The school year to date has progressed as follows:TERM 1 The 2019-2020 course for senior students (1st & 2nd) is Critical Writing. In order for students to become competent at writing full, comprehensive essays, it was necessary to begin with the basics of writing. The structure of an essay, including how to write a good opening paragraph and techniques to expand on focal points were taught. Also, time was taken to work on improving students grasp of grammar, so that more complex ideas could be expressed, in line with the serious topics they were researching. Following that, the next step was to learn how to think critically on the issues students were tasked with researching, and to that end the priority was for students to learn the key terms of research, investigate, challenge, argue, evaluate, conclude and to gain an understanding of how to employ these terms in critical writing as an end goal. To facilitate understanding of critically thinking through an issue, students were then introduced to the Edward De Bono theory of Six Hats to give them concrete techniques to aid in critical thinking. From a teaching perspective, Six Hats provided students with a clear set of processes to employ in the research stage of their work. Initially students worked in groups, with each student assuming on role in the group process:i.e one student focused on intuition, one student on facts, one student on values, one student on cautions, one student on creativity and one student on overall management and summary. In this way, it reduced the research and analysis tasks per student to a single, manageable perspective, and additionally afforded students the opportunity to hone negotiation and co-operation skills through collation of the collective material. As this proved a valuable and eective learning process for students, it was repeated a number of times within the framework of a variety of topics such as;

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